Admissions Open for 2024-25 | Courses Offered :PG Course-MBA | PGCODE:B036 | UG Course- Civil, Mechanical, Electronics & Communication, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning Engineering | CET CODE : E265 | COMEDK : E194

"ಜ್ಞಾನ ಸಂಗಮ"

ಗ್ರಂಥಾಲಯ ಮತ್ತು ಮಾಹಿತಿ ಕೇಂದ್ರ
Library and Information Center

Jain College of Engineering and Technology is a modern ,friendly and dynamic Engineering college in the city of Hubballi. JCET is approved by All India Council for Technical Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development Govt of India , New Delhi and recognized by University Grant Commission of India , New Delhi. JCET is affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University , Belgaum for BE courses.
JCET College library is known as LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTER. It is designed to meet the information needs of the Faculties, Staffs and students. Also it is the source for news on the latest developments in Engineering, The LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTER is fully automated with high speed servers and multimedia systems interconnected to LAN. Every users are provided Identity Card with Bar-code Technology. The Bar-code Technology is used for entire LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTER collection. In-house functions like acquisition, cataloging and circulation are automated with the KOHA (Integrated Library Management) Software.
The LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTER has a collection of over 8000 books that supplement the VTU curriculum course content and relevant to proposed subject areas. The LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTER purchases all books which are recommended and reference books from the syllabus. LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTER has been catering to the needs of the undergraduates, faculty and staff members of the 04 departments of our institute. The collection development has been supporting the teaching, research and development and other professional activities of the departments. The demands of the ever-growing research areas multiple disciplines is being catered with the help of latest volumes, in almost all fields of Engineering, Science and Technology, and general areas.

Timinings: Monday to Friday: 8:30 am to 6.00 pm


  • Book Circulation
  • Book Reservation
  • Reference Service
  • Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) service
  • Current Awareness Service (CAS)
  • News Paper Clipping
  • Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
  • Bibliographic Service
  • Online Book Reservation


  • Digital Library: Digital Library contains the sufficient PCs for the access of Database, Digital materials, OPAC and study material browsing.
  • Reading Room:Students are facilitated with vast place for reading purpose. The room is accommodating the 200 students at a time
  • SMS (Special Motivation Scheme):LIBRARY provides a unique facility for the merit or topper students. The students are facilitated with the extra-books for entire semester to achieve better score in their exam results.
  • Open Access: Library & Information Center maintains the Open Access Stacking for the convenient access of books of their choice at any time on library working hours.
  • Reference Section:Separate reference section is provided for reading the non-issue materials like text books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, periodicals etc.
  • Periodical Section: The section provides all print journals and magazines for reading.
  • Wi-Fi Enabled:The entire library premises is enabled with WiFi connection to enable students to access internet from their Laptop.

Statistical data of the books and periodicals

Statistical data Count
Total number of volumes : 9064
Total number of Titles : 1422
Technical Magazines and Journals : 29
International Journals : 02
Seating Capacity: 200
News Papers: 04
Employment News: 01


Resource Link
IEEE Xplore Digital Library CLICK HERE
VTU E-Learning Resources CLICK HERE
DOAJ-Directory of Open Access Journals CLICK HERE
DOAB-Directory of Open Access Books CLICK HERE
Shodhganga e-Theses CLICK HERE
Free Book Center CLICK HERE
Bookboon Free e-Books CLICK HERE


Resource Link
ScienceDirect CLICK HERE
Taylor & Francis CLICK HERE
National Digital Library of India CLICK HERE
Emerald insight CLICK HERE


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Do's and Don't

Mrs.Jayashree Sadani